Obama’s Bathroom Self-portrait Uncovered!

Posted on the 10 February 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

A hacker who calls himself “Guccifer” got into the emails of members of the Bush family. Last Friday, Feb. 8, 2013, the Smoking Gun revealed a cache of those e-mails, including two self-portraits painted by former president George W. Bush (see below) which he allegedly had sent to his sister, Dorothy.

Bruce Handy of Vanity Fair was near-apoplectic with excitement doing an amateur’s armchair psychological analysis of the two Bush self-portraits.

Hold onto your hat, Bruce Handy! Have we got news for you!

Guccifer just hacked into the emails of Reggie Love, and found this tender self-portrait painted by none other than the POS!

To see the portrait without the rose, click here!

H/t my bud Mark S. McGrew
