Obama on Gun Violence: “Enough is Enough”

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

The murder of Tyshawn Lee, a 9-year-old boy murdered in an alley in Chiraq. What did Obama have to say about this act of gun violence? Nada. A shooting in Chiraq every 2 hours and 54 minutes? Nada from Obama.  There’s very strict gun control laws in Chiraq.

Tyshawn Lee/CBS video screen shot photo

A record homicide rate in Baltimore this year. Nada from Obama. The Constitution of Maryland contains no provision protecting the right for individuals to keep and bear arms. 

A shooting at a Planned Parenthood facility with no known motive (at the time I write this post*)? Obama denounces gun violence.

Never let a crisis, that suits your narrative, go to waste.

Via Yahoo: US President Barack Obama denounced the country’s epidemic of gun violence on Saturday and renewed a call for tougher controls on military-style weapons after yet another deadly shooting, saying “enough is enough.”

Obama said the suspect had been armed with an assault weapon — that was the first official word of this detail — and he also disclosed for the first time that the man had held hostages at the Planned Parenthood center from which he opened fire at people outside in an hours long standoff with police.

We have to do something about the easy accessibility of weapons of war on our streets to people who have no business wielding them. Period. Enough is enough,” Obama said in a statement.

Notice the Alinsky tactics used in his words: “tougher controls on military-style weapons”, “armed with an assault weapon”, and “easy accessibility of weapons of war”. I don’t need to spell out the intentional misrepresentation of his words. If I do, then you are a liberal.

Seems that the progressive media machine has set out to follow Obama’s narrative as well. Check out the headlines below that followed the shooting.

Colorado shooter Robert Dear

MintPressNews: “White Americans Are The Biggest Terror Threat In The United States.”

Vox: “Police described the suspect as a stocky, bearded white male wearing a trench coat. He was reportedly armed with a “long gun.” The FBI warned of threats to reproductive health facilities this past September, in the wake of graphic sting videos that purported to show Planned Parenthood selling fetal body parts for profit.”

The Guardian: “Colorado Springs: a playground for pro-life, pro-gun evangelical Christians“.

HuffPo: “Terror in Colorado”. “Police have yet to determine a motive for the attack, but Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers said that people can make “inferences from where it took place…The town also has a big evangelical presence, partly due to an economic development effort to bring Christian missionaries there in the 1980s, according to PBS.”

Slate: “Anti-Abortion Terrorism Must Be Stopped.” “As news continues to unfold about Friday’s Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado Springs, one thing is clear: Domestic terrorism remains unchecked, even on the day after Thanksgiving.”

The Guardian: “Our culture and laws enabled the Colorado shooter, whatever his motive.”


*As of 6:30 last night, Wesley Lowery of the Washington Post was tweeting that after surrendering to police, Dear was heard to say, “No more baby parts,” an obvious reference to the series of undercover Planned Parenthood videos released by the Center for Medical Progress.

That doesn’t change the fact that the above statements/reports were made before a motive was known (if indeed this WaPo tweet is true). Nor does it change the fact that Obama can’t be bothered to acknowledge gun violence that is rampant in cities with strict gun control.