Obama Chucks Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel: Why We Should Be Concerned

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Dr. Eowyn:

Obama’s firing of Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is a forewarning of dangers to come. In the words of Stratfor founder George Friedman who calls Obama “a failed presidency”: “The period of a failed presidency is…not a quiet time…. The last two years of a failed presidency are mostly about foreign policy and are not very pleasant to watch.”

Originally posted on Consortium of Defense Analysts:

In the midst of the United States’ failed policy against the Islamic State (aka ISIS/ISIL) and an abrupt escalation of the U.S. war in Afghanistan, President Obama saw fit to fire Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, under the pretense that the latter resigned, and without a replacement ready to take over. (See “Obama’s ISIL strategy reexamined: air strikes ineffective; weak coalition“)

Note:The New York Times reports, Nov. 21, 2014, that Obama quietly expanded the authorization to use U.S. troops in Afghanistan to include offensive ops next year, despite his announcement last May that the U.S. military would have no combat role in Afghanistan next year.  According to a Rasmussen Report poll, Obama’s expansion of the military’s role in the Afghan war has the approval of only 28% of likely voters.

Helene Cooper reports for The New York Times that on Nov. 24, 2014, Defense Secretary Chuck…

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