On China's provocative unilateral declaration of an East China Sea Air Identification Zone (ADIZ), the Obama administration has said/done one thing one day, then another thing another day.
The latest, as of yesterday, December 3, 2013, is that the United States can live with China's ADIZ so long as China stop insisting that all aircraft, commercial and military, must check with Beijing before flying through the ADIZ.
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The POS's foreign policy: "Talk iffy and carry a limp noodle." First, the Pentagon sent two B-52s to fly through China's unilaterally declared Air Defense Zone over the East China Sea. Then, the U.S. says all US commercial airlines must check their flight plans with China. Now the Obama administration is signaling to China that the U.S. will live with China's Air Defense Zone. Like Israel, Japan is now learning what it means to have the United States as an ally. Obama is not just dangerous for the American people, he is a clear and present danger to America's friends and allies across the world. ~Eowyn