O'verlays on TV!?!

By Danikaherrick @danikaherrick
Holy Crazy Stuff! I'm at a serious loss for words. This past month has been a whirlwind and a blur since starting O'verlays and we have gotten such an amazing response from all of you. The design blog community has been such a driving force in our success, and we have all of you to thank.   Danielle Oakey posted us back in the beginning of July and she was asked to do a feature on O'verlays by her local television station KLS Studio 5.  It aired today, and I feel like a proud mother watching their kid on TV. I'm all in "What? Pinch me!" mode.  Click to video to watch. Danielle did such an amazing job and was so calm and collected. (I, on the other hand, was an excited nervous wreck just watching.) BIG thank yous to Danielle Oakey and Studio 5 for making us look good!