"One of the best presents I have ever been given is a print of a Prince Tui Teka gig poster; my parents gave it to me as a gift for finishing my university degree - roughly a decade after I started it. But that part's not important to the story.
It's framed now. It hangs in the hallway of our home. Not the degree. That has coffee stains and cigarette burns on it (no, really) and will never be put to use. No, I mean the Tui Teka print. It's framed and has pride of place outside our study; near the front door. I pass it every day and it reminds me of Tui - a hero of mine.
Prince Tui Teka learned his craft/earned his stripes working with The Maori Volcanics and other showbands of the time. He was born Tui Teka and took on 'Prince' as part of his stage-name; a royalty bestowed upon him. Elvis was the King, so he wanted to be (New Zealand's) Prince. Another stage name was Tui Latui - he performed in bands, The Royal Samoans and Maoris and Prince Tui Latui & The Maori Troubadours."
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