NY State Assembly Approves Bill to Inject Poison into Hearts of Babies in the Womb

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

For years, the New York state legislature has been embroiled in a battle over a package of bills called the Women’s Equality Act (WEA) that supposedly promotes the interests of women. The 10-point WEA is held up in part because the legislature has resisted the 10th point — a late-term abortion measure, AB 6221, which allows abortionists killing the unborn by shooting poison into their little beating hearts.

Since 2013, abortion advocates have been holding the Women’s Equality Act hostage to this single AB 6221, refusing to break the 10-point bill up. The legislature resisted passing AB 6221 despite strenuous support from the supposedly Catholic Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

The position of the Catholic Church is and consistently has been that abortion is an “intrinsic evil,” which means it is not subject to negotiation. Being an intrinsic evil, abortion also takes precedence before any of the Church’s other concerns, including the darling of the Left — “social justice.”

On Tuesday, March 24, 2015, in a vote of 94-49 the New York State Assembly approved passage of AB 6221, which will expand third-trimester abortions and allow non-doctors to perform abortions.

Third-trimester abortion is also called late-term abortion — the deliberate murder of babies who are 7 to 9 months old, who feel pain, and who are viable if allowed to live outside their mothers’ wombs.

New York State law currently allows for late-term abortion, i.e., abortion in the third trimester, only when the mother’s life is in danger. AB 6221, sponsored by Assemblywoman Deborah Glick, will instead allow abortion on-demand throughout all nine months, i.e., up until the 9th month. The law would be changed to allow abortion for any reason deemed “relevant to the well-being of the patient” including physical, emotional, psychological, and familial factors, and the mother’s age.

Lori Kehoe, New York State Right to Life executive director, said:

“Expanding cruel and brutal third-trimester abortions has long been a goal of the anti-life lobby who never met an abortion they didn’t like. With no regard for the fully developed unborn baby who is violently dismembered, or otherwise killed, the New York State Assembly once again put the abortion lobby above New York State women and their children. We now look once again to the Senate to hold the line in defense of the children which happens to also be in accordance with the will of the rest of the people. It is ridiculous that in 2015, with all the technology at our disposal, we are still arguing whether or not an eight month old baby in the womb deserves protection. It is doubtful that our descendants will look kindly upon this period in our history, when we fought for the right to dismember babies weeks, days and even minutes before birth.

New York State Right to Life will be discussing this and other attacks on members of the human family at their free-to-the-public Lobby for Life Day on April 29 at the Legislative Office Building in Albany.

New York State Assemblywoman Deborah J. Glick represents District 66 in New York City’s Greenwich Village. Her official bio says “Deborah is the first openly lesbian or gay member of the New York State legislature” and that “As an elected official, she has focused on civil rights, reproductive freedom, health care, lesbian and gay rights, the environment, housing, higher education, social justice, animal rights and funding for the arts.”

Clearly, for Glick, “animal rights” do not include the rights of the human unborn, even up to 9 months old.

For her contact information, click here.

H/t LifeNews and FOTM’s CSM.

See also:

  • 84% of Americans want late-term abortions banned (January 2015 poll)
  • Colorado Democrats support infanticide
  • Senate Democrats’ bill will remove all restrictions on abortion – past, present & future
  • Planned Parenthood abortionist sings about Jesus as he kills unborn
  • Abortion doc: ‘We have to get over the love affair with fetuses’
  • Planned Parenthood accepts donations earmarked for aborting black babies
  • U.S. bishops betrayed the unborn, fearing Catholics would leave Democrat Party
  • Scientists now admit many vaccines were made with cells from aborted babies
