Nutritionists Advise: Parsley’s Magical Power to Cleanse the Kidneys

By Bidsbypros @bidsbypros

Fresh parsley

While ago I wrote 4 series articles on Cleansing mind, body and soul. After few weeks I received an email from one of our registered pro nutritionist members about the magic of parsley in cleansing our kidneys.

About kidneys. What do they look like, where are they located and what do they do?

Kidneys are one of our body’s filtration bean shape organs. The kidneys pairs perform many functions to keep the blood stream chemically balanced and filtered. Kidneys are each a size of a fist and are located towards the middle of the back under the rib cage.

Kidneys filter around 200 quarts of blood to filter out about 2 quarts of waste and excess water everyday.

Where do these waste and extra water go?

The waste and excess water from the kidneys filtration turn into urine and flow through ureters tube right into bladder and after bladders storage fills up, it exit out of the body through urination.

  • Why is the any waste?

Waste comes from the routine breakdown of the active tissues, such as muscles and from food. The body use food to produce energy and after using what it needs the remaining as waste enters into blood system. Kidneys have an important task to remove all these waste from the blood system constantly.

The filtration begins with millions of tiny units of nephrons inside the kidneys. The nephrons collect urine from the blood cells and separate the waste from other must-haves in the blood flow. The kidney is like a sophisticated machine constantly measures all the minerals and needs of body and since any sodium, phosphors and potassium in the blood system is collected by the nephrons small blood vessels, kidney releases the amount of waste such as sodium back in to the blood to maintain the needs of body.

Just like small water filters, kidneys lose their filtration power if the body produces larger amounts of waste constantly more than usual. This happens by consuming unhealthy food diet, lack of tissue and muscle exercise and drinking not enough liquids. To cure the intelligence of kidneys, drinking water and liquid in moderation is vital. Add exercise and routine daily workout to your habit and regulate your diet. If having fast food constantly, the body is more vulnerable to larger amount of waste.

Sometimes filters need filtering. Within a right healthy diet, routine exercise and moderating liquid and water consumption, kidneys functionality increases. Though it is necessary to cleanse the kidneys naturally.

Here is a great natural and easy recipe based on parsley and it magical power of cleansing kidney:

Parsley juice

Buy a few bunch of organic and fresh parsley. The leafs of parsley should be crisp and fresh green. Look for yellowish color and avoid those bunches. The stems should be strong and when breaking them in half, water runs out. Parsley is not expensive and you can buy few bunches at a time. Separate the bunches and place them under a running water for a thorough wash in a bowl. Drain the water from the bowl few time making sure there is no soil or dirt left behind. Place it in a drainer and run it under water for assurance once more.

Cut the parsley in small pieces and place them inside a cooking pot. Add a volume of clean and filtered water and bring it to boil. Let it boil for 10 minutes and remove it from the heat.

Let the mix cool off and then filter the parsley from the juice. Place the juice in refrigeration and keep cool.

Drink one glass daily in desired amount. This is a simple and easy way to cleanse our vital filtration organs. Kidneys.

Do you have more recipes you want share for kidney cleansing? Please share it in the comment box below and share the article with all your friends and help them be healthier.

With Thanks to Nancy Freeman’s help with providing me with sources to do my research and writing this educating article.

Nancy Freeman is professional nutritionists who is a qualified member of pro members. Join our community and post your project needs and get connected to your local professionals.