
By Chase

…Through sickness and through health. And through bangs.

Recently, we took the kids for haircuts.

Yes, all four at once. It was like a sheep shearing, but far less orderly and much more expensive.

Anyway, on the way home, the following exchange took place:

Me: “Wow. I sure love your haircuts.”

Perpetual Motion: “Then why don’t you marry them?”

General snickering ensued amongst the four freshly-shorn freaks as I flipped a u-turn and headed back toward the liquor store.

Since when did 6-year-old’s start throwing that out?

If you’re scoring at home… or even if you’re alone (Thanks, Keith Olberman!), this is that moment as a parent when you come to fully realize that you stand no chance.

But the haircuts did look really nice.