Number of Americans Identifying as Democrats Hits All-time Low

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Just look at what seven years of “hopeandchange” has done to the party.

Across the country Democrats are having a harder time than ever getting voters to register on their party line, according to a new poll.

The NY Post reports that a Gallup poll released Monday found that the share of Americans identifying themselves as Democrats last year dropped to an all-time low of 29 percent. That’s the lowest percentage recorded by Gallup since the pollster began asking about political affiliations in 1951. The previous low was in 2014, when 30 percent of voters lined up with the party.

And to the shock of none of us conservatives, the GOP didn’t fare much better. Just 26 percent of voters describe themselves as Republicans, one tick up from the party’s all-time low of 25 percent, recorded in 2014.

The poll found 42 percent of Americans consider themselves independents — down slightly from the all-time high of 43 percent in 2014. Gallup data collected from 1951-1987 never found a yearly average Democratic identification was less than 37 percent.

“Americans’ attachment to the two major political parties in recent years is arguably the weakest Gallup has recorded since the advent of its polls,” said Gallup’s Jeffrey Jones.

No wonder Donald Trump is getting massive support from rank-and-file republicans and democrats.