Nugent Typical Of Extremist Texas Republicans

Posted on the 09 September 2014 by Jobsanger
If there was any doubt as to whether the Republican establishment in Texas has sold out to the teabagger extremists, the photo at left (from the website of the inimitable Juanita Jean) should remove that doubt. It shows right-wing gun-nut, solid Republican, and admitted ephebophile, Ted Nugent with the GOP candidate for governor Greg Abbott. Nugent has been welcomed on the campaign trail by several statewide Republican candidates, and even serves as campaign treasurer for Sid Miller, the GOP candidate for Agriculture Commissioner.
This shows how extremist the Texas Republican Party has become. How extremist is that? That is easily shown by this post recently written by Nugent for his Facebook page. As you read this, ask yourself if this is the kind of state (and country that you want to live in, and raise your children and grandchildren in.

I don't know about you, but I think Nugent is a very scary person. And even more scary is his being embraced by the Texas Republican Party and their candidates. They would turn this state into an armed camp of fearful citizens. That is insane. We need to replace these extremist Republicans with politicians that would bring Texans together -- not divide them into warring camps.