By Isis Win
Everything in politics or public opinion has been a matter of debate, controversy, and arguing way before my ancestors were born. However, in the past, no so old, the only means of public information were large organs that redundantly checked the information to be released to make it bulletproof reliable. Even during my early days working for TV and written press, my editor expected me to triple check the facts I was about to inform. Otherwise, the work would be tossed in the garbage can. In the recent decade or two, that seems to be changing.
The 21st century was expected to be a drastic improvement to everything known or a tragic end to everything—the half-full or empty cup story. However, we started the century on the wrong foot. After G. Bush Jr took over the White House, we were shocked by the callous attack of Al Qaeda in NY city, destroying the twin towers and killing close to 3k people + the people affected by the toxic debris when clearing the fallen buildings. Then, investigations from the UK and our own intelligence opened the door to accusations against Saddam Hussein about being involved in some category with Al Qaeda’s leader, Bin o laden. The UN got involved, and according to the media reports, Hussein was developing WMDs, including a potential atomic bomb. Saddam was challenged over and over, and no find would justify any military action from the US and allies. However, both countries claimed to have reliable intelligence proving Saddam was a threat to the world because his arsenal and facilities to build chemical weapons were “real.” Bush somehow persuaded our legislators and the American people that we should preemptively attack Iraq to dispose of those weapons. Bush claimed before national television we will destroy the evil, and the attack will be successful, short, and our troops will return shortly after. You know the rest, here is the critical point.
The US attacked without justification Iraq which was the balancing force in the Middle East, destroyed literally everything in a fantastic bomb attack the seemed coming from a Sci-Fi movie. We still are there, with thousands of soldiers even exposed to be killed and the country, well, regardless of the promise a reconstruction effort, it still is in shams. Electrical power, water supply, bad roads, lacking enough health installations, and a constant battle between ethnic groups are their calamity.
That was the beginning of the 21st century, but it did not improve since that beginning. We had a disastrous presidential reaction to the destruction of hurricane Katrine in Louisiana, and we faced the second potential worst depression after the Grand Depression. The following president (Obama) inherited such a bad situation that he should better become seriously ill and quit winning the presidency. However, he did not resign. He faced everything. He found an opposition that would not change their mode, and negotiating anything was a real pain in the ass. However, he produced essential changes and saved the country from falling into pieces that resulted from the mortgage bubble burst. Eight years later, he brought to the US to what other presidents failed to deliver and left the economy rolling upwards. Trump inherited that situation.
After almost four years after Trump as our leader, looking in every direction, we find no results the leader claims to be his contribution to a better America. In fact, those years seem to be a remembrance of much older days in which all the defended civil rights provided by our constitution have been stepped on or did not exist because his position is, and has been to declare war against everything he hates. Mainly everything coming from the Obama administration. He’s got a lot to hate but not only recently. Since his early years, Trump appeared “wearing a mask.” People near him did not see it, and he ripped off hundreds of small businesses, the IRS, people involved in his activities, became known as a misogynistic man surrounded by the most beautiful women of the world, etc. He showed to be proud of all of them.
Most of his hates are everything that is not Anglo Saxon derivate, hates poor people, people that know more than him, and more. Clearly, anyone with essential intelligence would notice; this man hates everything and deeply loves himself. Question: How on earth did he become the 45th US president? The jury still in on the table, but likely, we will have to move forward to fix all the broken pieces after the coming election, and he walks away as he had done many times before.
Through the years of Bush and Trump, we have heard reports claiming the US is in the best place in history, and we are moving forward. Do not give me credit when I ask: where are the proofs? Just look around and double-check the accuracy of their words, compare them to the words from the press, or the legitimate organizations that check and double-check the facts, and they become the official. There is no sector in which Trump’s words check with any side or the heart of reality. To make matters worse, his lies and deceits are so unrealistic and blunt, that he lies in front of the actual data and accuses absolutely everyone if he is caught in a lie. Very few Americans have stood his lies and remain in power, but many others either were fired or removed themselves from that “influential” position coveted with treason.
He claims the press, unbiased organizations, and members of his government are against him, and all that is a witch hunt. Who are we going to believe? That depends on who is asking. The truth, checked not once, not twice, not even three times but more, a large sector of the population (44%) believe him and are convinced he is threatened by deceitful socialists and communists that will destroy the country if he does not have what it takes to get rid of them. Such requires a second term in which he claims; the falling economy can be fixed as he fixed it post Obama. Who do you believe? Therefore where do you think we are at this particular moment?
My closing remark is simple and to the point. If Trump reacted positively – as needed – after the Covid threat was confirmed, the level of infections and deaths would be drastically reduced. Likely, we still be threatened by it and would take time to end it , but the numbers would be sharply lower. The economy, on the other hand, would show a whole different scenario. Now, the government should bail out at least 70% of the population that owes large amounts of money on loans, houses, cars, you name it, and are not collecting income for, how long?
The people that do not have income or a much smaller than accustomed need desperately help. In case you have not noticed, all-important goods have increased their price, creating a higher number in the inflation sector. What does that do to you and others?
To save the country in totality requires that businesses remain in business, people receive their income as pre-Covid, the cost of living does not go up and can meet their bills accordingly. Well, that is not happening. The Great Depression taught us, the #1 front to attack is to avoid the fall of the consumer, which created people’s losses of property, work, savings, etc. and became homeless and dependent on welfare. Well, welfare is dying along with the unemployed people. Meanwhile, Trump is selling a second term will fix it. A flat lie that even Biden would reckon if asked: will you return us to our status as it was in 2019, and we return to normal life – and – continue been alienated as most Americans lived pre Covid?
We are not returning to what we call normal in a long, long time. It is too late to gear in that direction. But thinking about the future or the past will not help or resolve anything. I suspect you believe the following statement and consider it reliable: Another four years of this administration as it was since 2016 up to now, will destroy what is left to us. Us, 70% of the working-class, and our lives would turn as the older days before the Great Depression if . . .
We have to be extremely careful about what we believe or not because what is at stake at this precise moment is undeniable: danger!