Due to the many things that I find myself doing, saying or enjoying the last ALMOST two years, I catch myself saying the following statement all too often "Now that I am a Mom..."
These are all things that I totally GET and understand while maintaining my role as Mommy. A lot of things I told myself, a billion times, that I would never ever do... and NOW, you guessed it.... I do ALL of these things and then some- all. of. the. time!
Ok... first of all I have a really really terrible short term memory (i swear i never used to be this bad!) but honestly, if something is said to me and if I need to remember that info for more than 2 seconds, I have to write it down or else its gone- just like that- GONE! no where to EVER be found again. SO... I have a pen in hand and spend a lot of time writing things down. Take no offense if I am taking notes while we spend some quality time out and about! ;)
Next... I should add the following statement to any resume that I create "highly skilled in the area of sweeping floors." I kid you not, I sweep my floors 2-3 times a day AND have a full dust pan every. single. time! It's gross and I am convinced that this is a combo of no longer having a dog in the house AND being and OCD Mom.
Another good one... I talk to myself, all day long! Most of the time Avrie is around to "listen". I can be heard talking to myself whether it be to repeat what I am trying to remember over and over again until I find a pen. Fact of the matter, I said I would never talk too myself as much as my Mom did/does... well now I do it and it annoys even me! haha
This one is random... I "fake" eat food- its the cutest thing ever that Avrie is such a good sharer and is always wanting to feed her Mommy but I don't like everything that she likes. Soon she will catch on to the fact that I will put the little green pea in my mouth and at some point make it over to the garbage can to throw it away- quick before she sees me do it. But for real, I hate peas enough that I can't even TRY to eat just one itty bitty little pea! This drives Aaron crazy he loooooooooves peas. BUT because I am Mom, and I know what's good for growing babies, I love making peas for Avrie to enjoy and let her "feed" them to me. ;)
Recently... I am an over packer. You can never leave the house with everything but man do I try! Back in the day I packed 2-3 bags for myself for a weekend, NOW I have a little bag and then 14 bags of Avrie's stuff. I kid, it's more like 4 bags. She has her "Overnight bag", "Diaper bag", "Food/snacks/dishes bag" & "Toy bag". It's a lot but that's ok! An example of never having everything we need, on Sunday, at the zoo- Aaron cut his finger and was bleeding everywhere! Wouldn't you know it, I had everything EXCEPT a band-aid. go figure! But I did make a "mental" note (that I forgot about until right now) to put some in my purse!
A fun fact... I enjoy stuff that only kids might like; the zoo, the park, the circus, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, Disney movies, noisy toys, treats.. you name it! I love seeing the happiness and excitement of all those fun things thru the eyes of Avrie- and this is because, I believe (and it's been the trend of this post) I am a Mom!
Now, I KNOW, there was more for me to add to this list but, remember me telling you I have a bad short term memory... yeah.... its gone- I'll think of it tonight while I am trying to get to sleep and thinking about everything I didn't get done today that I might try and do tomorrow.