Now is the Time to Set an Intention for a More Meaningful Holiday Season

By Lifecoachlindaluke @coachlindaluke

Have you ever had one of those holiday seasons where you felt over-scheduled, over-budget, and just plain frazzled?  And, when it was all over you were just glad it was done?

This year can be different. 

You can set an intention now for how you want to be and what you want to experience this holiday season before even stepping into the whirlwind of holiday mania.  Let go of obligations and expectations and become clear about what would make your holidays meaningful, peaceful, and fun.

Time: Do you want to go to as many parties and events as possible or choose the most important ones and have time to really enjoy them?

The Holiday Dinner:  Is it worth doing a grand masterpiece of a dinner if you are too busy and too stressed to be with your friends and family?  Or, could you do something simpler, focusing on their favorites and spending more time with them instead?

Spending:  Will you buy expensive gifts out of a sense of obligation or choose to give from the heart?  Would your friends and family want you to go into debt for their gifts?

When you are clear what you want for your holiday experience, form an intention that will support you in staying true to your heartfelt desires.  You may want to post the intention where it is visible or keep a copy in your wallet to help you stay focused.

Let your intention guide you to a more peaceful, joyful, and meaningful holiday season.

What are your holiday season intentions or desires?  You can share by clicking on “Comments” under the title of this post.