WhatsApp Constantly works on making its platform easy for the users. For a long time, users have been complaining that the facility of audio and video calls is not available on the WhatsApp web version. However, now the instant messaging platform is going to remove the dilemma of its users soon. Yes, information has been received in the latest leaked report that WhatsApp is soon going to provide group video calling facility on the web version. Let’s know the details.
In the latest leaked report of Wabetainfo, it has been informed that WhatsApp is going to start the group video call feature on macOS soon. For the time being, this service has been made available to beta testers. According to the report, the group video call feature has been rolled out for WhatsApp beta for macOS and its latest version. Its screenshot has also been shared in the report.
Glimpses of the feature seen in the screenshot
It can be seen in the screenshot that the finally call button icon has been released for WhatsApp macOS beta users. By clicking on this button, users can easily enjoy WhatsApp group calls on their laptops and desktops. This includes both audio and video WhatsApp calls.
Rollout will happen soon
If you are also a beta user, then you can enjoy WhatsApp audio and video calls by installing the latest version of WhatsApp beta for macOS and above. It can be expected that the instant messaging app will soon roll out this feature officially for all users.
These new features added in WhatsApp
Recently Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has rolled out the multi device log-in feature on WhatsApp. Through this feature, users will now be able to run their same WhatsApp account in four smartphones simultaneously. In addition, the ability to limit votes to only one option in WhatsApp polls has recently been rolled out to everyone. Also, you can now write captions while sharing WhatsApp documents and media files.