Novorussia Signs Outrageous Peace Plan (Surrender Plan)

Posted on the 09 September 2014 by Calvinthedog

This makes no sense at all.

The political leaders of the LPR/DPR completely sold out everything that so many fought and died for? Why? The Novorussian people and especially the armed forces are up in arms over this sellout plan. There are threats to lynch the two political leaders who signed this ridiculous plan if they ever show their faces in Donetsk or Lugansk again. The 12-point plan simply reads like a wish list for the Nazis. The Novorussians gave the Nazis everything they want. Worst of all, it calls for “the disarmament of illegal armed groups from the territory of Ukraine.” What this means is unilateral disarmament for one side only – the rebels. The Nazis get to keep their army, of course.

The Novorussians are all screaming that Putin sold them out. The notion that Putin is behind all of the unrest in SE Ukraine is madness.

1. Putin has always wanted, and still wants, a whole Ukraine, federalized. He does not want Ukraine broken up. He will accept it if he has to, but that is not his first choice. So the notion that Putin is causing the armed breakup of Ukraine is an insane lie.

2. The Novorussians have been calling Putin a sellout and a traitor from Day One of this mess. If Putin is running this whole show, then why are his so-called proxies calling him a traitor? It makes no sense. This was an indigenous rebellion of, by and for the residents of the SE who refuse to live in a Nazi Ukraine. They received some support at the start from Russian volunteers.

These were Russian nationalists operating outside the state. The Russian state didn’t start giving weapons until the war had been going on for quite some time. And when they started, they gave them on 4th class aging weapons, the worst of the stockpile. They finally changed that in early July. But even while Russia was arming the rebels (mostly to keep the Novorussians from being genocided) Russia still wanted federalization and only federalization. They only reluctantly supported independence when they were backed into a corner.

3. The West is telling a gigantic lie that Russia is trying to create another frozen conflict along the lines of Transdniestria, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. All of these were indigenous rebellions against racist nationalist states who discriminated against non-titular citizens – Ossetians and Abkhazians were discriminated against by Georgian ultranationalists and Russians were discriminated against by Moldavian ultranationalists.

After the rebel areas had beaten the national government to a draw, Russia entered with peacekeepers. They entered the breakaway Georgian provinces because Georgia was run by fanatical Russia-hating ultranationalists. This Russophobic menace on Russia’s border was a serious national security threat for Russia. So separatists were supported. But all three of these were simply indigenous separatist rebellions similar to those that occur the world over.

One thing Russia does not like are these frozen conflicts. The lie is that they are trying to create another frozen conflict in SE Ukraine. It’s not true. Russia hates these frozen conflicts. They would rather that South Ossetia and Abkhazia form independent states. The frozen conflicts are a nightmare for Russia. The last thing they need is another one. Anyway the whole reason that these conflicts are frozen in the first place is because the West has refused to ratify the independence of these newly created nations.

The US acts like hypocrites here just like they always do. Briefly, the US tries to break up its enemies (supports separatism in its enemies) and opposes separatism in its allies. There is no moral basis to this foreign policy at all.

4. Putin completely sold out the Novorussians and forced them to surrender with this document. If he’s behind all the armed unrest in SE Ukraine, why would he do that? Because he never liked this armed uprising, that’s why. He never liked it, so he’s only to glad to sell it out at the first opportunity.

5. Putin may be hoping that the West will ease up on sanctions by signing this surrender document. That is fanciful thinking. America is a like a shark. When it smells blood, you’re already dead meat. The American shark has already smelled Russian blood. No way are they going to back off now. In fact, I expect the sanctions to be increased even more.

6. The document has no legal basis whatsoever. It was signed by Kuchma, the former President of the Ukraine. He was the worst president Ukraine ever had. Corruption was worse under him than under any other Ukrainian regime which is probably why the US likes him so much. He let them steal so much stuff, so he’s their pal. As former President, Kuchma has no legal basis to sign this document for the Nazi government. In other words, the agreement is illegal and unenforceable – it’s as meaningful as toilet paper. Nevertheless there are consequences even for breaking illegal agreements.

7. The Nazis’ word is no good. They violate any agreement they want to anytime they want to. Why sign any agreement with the Nazis when you know that they never honor any agreements?

8. There is a suggestion that the Novorussian leaders who signed the document were either paid off or threatened. I would suggest certainly the latter.

9. The instigators behind the sellout were probably the Russian oligarchs. These are the people that to a large extent run Russian society. In a lot of ways, they have more power than Putin does. Putin has to listen to them rather than the other way around.

10. The Nazis are already using the ceasefire to heavily rearm. As soon as the ceasefire was announced, several Western nations announced that they would be arming the Nazis.