We gathered for another outstanding Showcase at High Society Hookah Lounge on November 30th with Rich James, Biz Poole, Kept Quiet, Wes Nyle, Random Encounter and Dedbolt .
Biz Poole
What do you think of the Orlando Scene, and if you don’t like it, what would you do to? Orlandos hip-hop scene is One of the best i can say.There is always opportunity to do shows and promote your self through out the year. What are you thoughts indie vs. label? Indie Vs Label i would say know a days Indie its seems like the best rout For artist today and Keep master and royalties and 100% profit on merch But im just sayin that know b/c no label as approached me yet But if they have a Good Business plan for me then who knows what could happen? What would you say OrlandoBands.com has done for you? They put me on one the artist development show case that got me a little more notoriety oh and some dope picture shout out @ BEN GARDNER. What songs influenced you the most from you childhood? Probably lil wayne’s BMJR song i played that like everyday “That my Shit” i love it lol. https://www.facebook.com/biz.poole
Rich Jones, https://www.facebook.com/rich810?fref=ts
Kept Quiet, https://www.facebook.com/keptquiet?ref=br_tf
Wes Nyle, http://Facebook.com/wesnyleband
Random Encounter, https://www.facebook.com/randomencounterband
Dedbolt, http://facebook.com/deadboltrevival