Nothing Is Impossible With God

Posted on the 19 September 2021 by Latoya @latoyallawrence

In 1984, my grandmother had a stroke. She was in a coma for three months.

There were no expectations for her to live from all of the health professionals at the hospital. The doctors inspired everyone to assume or to believe that she would eventually die as a result of the stroke.

There was never any response or signals of regaining consciousness when my grandmother received visits from family and friends.

One day my mother brought me up to the hospital. I was about eight or nine back then.

Children my age was not even allowed to come visit on the floor where my grandmother was but my family insisted and somehow managed to overthrow the rules and the regulations there.

The first thing I did was walk over to the bed and grab my grandmother’s hand. After I did so her eyes opened up for the first time within three months.

I have seen God do some really amazing, incredible, and really kind things for me and my family all throughout my life from the very beginning of my existence here on the earth.

And he continues to produce his miracles and other extraordinary effects upon my life.

It does not matter what people say, what people think, or what people do. It does not matter what the situation may be, what the situation may appear to be, or what the situation may have brought beforehand.

It is God who has the final word.

The doctors gave my grandmother a very grim prognosis. The Lord gave my grandmother another twenty years of life to live successfully. She had a few imperfections, but she recovered enough to be useful and to enjoy the rest of her long years spent on the earth.

God may not always bring healing to everyone here while they are still alive here on the earth, however, all who believe in him and follow him in faith will indeed be healed forever in eternity.