Note To Dems: Voters Like Fighters - Not Whiners And Quitters

Posted on the 04 July 2024 by Jobsanger

Yes, President Biden did not have a good debate. But the media is acting like it's the end of the world. They continue to talk about Biden as though he was some kind of doddering dementia patient. Most of them know its not true, but they do the country a massive disservice by continuing to beat this dead horse. 

I understand why the media is doing it. It hasn't been an exciting campaign so far, and they are trying to scare the public to boost their ratings (which is their only concern).

But now some Democratic officials are jumping on board. Rep. Ryan (Ohio), Rep. Golden (Maine), and Rep. Doggett (Texas) are now calling for President Biden to drop out of the race.And sadly, I expect some more will probably follow suit. They know the president is competent, but they are caving to the perception being presented by the media. 

Democrats are currently faced with a choice. They can unite behind their party's candidate and fight like hell to get him re-elected, or they can be a bunch of weak-kneed whiners and abandon him. The latter would be a big mistake!

In the past, Democrats have lost races up and down the ballot because they were perceived as being weak and gutless. The voting public likes fighters, and have elected people like they didn't really like because they considered them to be tough and willing to fight. Nobody believes a weak politician will stand up for them.

And the public is now watching. They will see how Democrats react to the media hysteria. Will they knuckle under (as they have too many times in the past), or will they fight to correct the media perception about Biden.

The truth is that on his worst day President Biden is a thousand times more competent than Donald Trump.  Democrats must make sure the voting public understands that. 

Quitting on the president and trying to force him out will just create the perception of a party in chaos. And that would benefit the real party in chaos - the Republican Party (aka the cult of Trump).

We must keep Trump out of the White House. A divided and chaotic Democratic Party can't do that!