(Not So) Naughty Girl

By Partycraftsecrets @partycraftsecrt

It’s no secret that drawing on walls is something that all youngsters do at some stage in their life.  I of course never did.  At least, not that I remember.  But my youngest sister did.  I clearly remember her tracing a circle around the ice-cream container lid onto the wall in our bedroom and telling me she’d made a steering wheel, would I like to come in her car.  I thought it was a clever idea and said ‘sure’.  Needless to say when Mum said; “who did this?” I was amongst the first to scamper!
Mimi, my nearly 5 year old daughter, only had a couple of crayon moments.  One was in the kitchen and sadly I recall going crazy at this ‘first offence,’ but you live and learn, and re prioritise.  The only other offense I remember, was on the garage cupboard door.  It was left there for awhile to remind her what ‘naughty’ looks like, and strangely, the black scribble has become part of our home, and no one seems quite prepared to rub it off.
Now it’s Lott’s turn.  She turned 3 recently (secret party photos & craft projects will be coming soon I promise), and discovered she wants to be a decorator... at least that’s what I’m hoping is the motivation behind her decision to cover the cubby house (that I painted) with chalk.  But, hey; it’s chalk.  Like I said; live and learn.  This time I didn’t even use ‘cranky voice’, simply shot her a ‘not impressed’ look, took the chalk off her and waited for it to rain...  
If you have a budding Michelangelo; try some craft-down-under-the-table!