Nostalgic Online Games From Childhood

Posted on the 28 August 2020 by Witselx9

It was when we were children that we fell in love with the gaming world on games that we would play for hours and hours on end on our mum's computer having to dial-up to broadband to be able to get online; such simpler times. Although these games seem a little bit old-school now, even if they are still being played today, but these are the games that made us fall in love with the industry we are all involved in today.

Online gaming has seen such a rise in numbers during 2020, mainly just down to lockdown and with many being stuck indoors have found themselves online more often than not. It has been a similar trend on other online services such as the online betting and gambling industry, such as Betting Sites Not on Gamstop here. Betting sites have even seen a new trend whilst lockdown, with increased numbers on Virtual Sports like horse racing, football and ice hockey, and even Esports which ties into today's articles e.g. Call of Duty wagers matches.

The first game we came into contact with when a child was Runescape; hours spent working on your skills, running around dungeons, completing missions, and playing alongside friends were some of the best hours of our childhood spent. It was one of the first games in which we played online and definitely one of the more complex games with an endless number of things to do on the game - I wonder what it would be like to play nowadays and what's changed?

The next game we remember playing when young, and maybe a little bit younger than the RuneScape days was Club Penguin. A slightly more innocent game, running around, editing your penguin, playing mini-games with your friends, going to the disco, and chatting, and making friends on the online chat; one of our favorite features. One of our earliest memory was testing what we could say on the live chat without getting banned.

The final game we loved to play whilst young and the only PlayStation game on this list was Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Rushing home from school, getting your headset on, joining your friend's party, and playing until mum shouted you down for dinner. There was nothing more important to school children back then than their MW2 Kill to Death ratio!