North Koreans Versus Indians

Posted on the 05 April 2016 by Calvinthedog


Tell me why you hate so much zero empathy or even try to understand the “Indians” but not the north Korean.

You will banned me first or you will explain this contradiction??

You tell me why I should show empathy for monsters, wicked people, and sociopathic, morally depraved freaks? Sorry pal. I am on an empathy diet. I have plenty of empathy for good people. As far as bad people go, they can just burn. I have dealt with enough assholes for twenty lifetimes, and I don’t need to even speak to one more.

Why should I try to “understand” monsters? Everybody does everything for a reason, and it is usually a logical reason in some way. Even criminals are behaving logically in some according to some perverse system of logic, and many of them have frankly been created by awful environments.

It is very easy to “understand” the behavior of most human beings  who act horrible in the typical ways. We all know why people act this way. Good and evil and inborn in all of us, and when your heart dies, the Devil can capture your soul and turn you into his plaything for the rest of his life. It can happen to me, you or anyone because we all have evil inside of us.

We all have to guard against our evil tendencies at all times. Those of us who act good are not that different from those who act bad. I have a great deal of evil inside of me, but I have enough of a pure heart and warm soul left somehow that I am able to suppress my evil behaviors and temptations. Not that I do not feel them. I simply feel them, recognize them as evil intentions and vow to resist them. In this way, you can walk with Jesus and be a real Christian.

Sublimation is nothing new. Churchill could have been Hitler.

Greed, hatred, competitiveness, lack of empathy, treacherousness, backstabbing, murderousness, aggression, violence, rape, wife beating, torture, cruelty, sadism, sexism/racism/classism/casteism, corruption, bribery, covetousness, jealousy, envy, irritability, meanness, fraud, cheating, stealing, lying…all of these things are essential aspects of day to day Indian culture that no one even thinks twice about.

And of course they are present in all human societies to some extent. Of course I “understand” why people act bad in every single way that I listed above. Most people figure that stuff out sometime in childhood. It’s not hard to figure out the motives for evil behavior. Further, I work in mental health, so I understand  the motives for evil better than 90% of the population. But so what? Who cares if we “understand” why people act horrible? Big deal! Most everything is “understandable,” even if in some sick or awful way. Why should I let scumbags off the hook just because I have figured out why they are such dicks?

And one more thing. If Indians are characterized by any one thing, it is that there is a sheer and utter lack of empathy that pervades the entire society and attempts to infect everyone born into it. If you try to be a dissident and protest this callous mindset, you will be browbeaten, shunned, rejected and possibly even threatened. I get emails all the time from Indians who condemn their country to Hell but then beg me not to post their name anywhere to anyone. They are absolutely terrified of speaking out in their society. A lot of them told me that it is actually dangerous to speak out against Indian culture. You may get physically assaulted or worse, not to mention the emotional abuse.

Now how about if you tell me why I should show empathy towards people who have no empathy themselves? Forget it. No! If you want me to feel some empathy towards you, you need to retain a human soul and something left of a heart yourself. If you have burned and discarded those essential human parts of yourself, I have nothing to say to you, and I feel I should show you no kindness, remorse, sympathy or mourning. You simply do not deserve to receive those human feelings from me.

The North Korean people I think are very good people. I have seen a lot of reports from people who went there, and they said that the people they met were all fantastic. It is the regime that is terrible. Bad government, good people. The culture itself is not toxic or evil.

In India the culture itself is toxic and evil and promotes sociopathy and wickedness in all Indians from the day you are born. Of course the government is full of some of the worst of all of these people, but your average Indian often is a perfectly horrible human being in the way he lives his life and his values or lack thereof. Normal Indian culture is narcissistic, callous, sadistic, self-serving, selfish, backstabbing, treacherous, utterly dishonest and sociopathic. So you end up with a billion people who lie, cheat and steal as a matter of daily existence. A nation of monsters.

The people themselves are shitty.

In India, the government is shitty, and so are the people who have blackened hearts and burnt out souls.

In North Korea the government is shitty, but the people are generally decent people with something remaining of real hearts and genuine human souls.