North Korea Loaded Its Missiles onto Launchers

Posted on the 05 April 2013 by Azharnadeem

The tensions in Korean peninsula continues to escalate as North Korea has loaded its two “middle-range” missiles onto the launchers, while South Korea has deployed naval destroyers to its coasts.

Pyongyang has told the foreign diplomatic missions in the country to it could not guarantee the safety of embassies and international organizations in the event conflict.

North Korea’s latest move came amid to attack United States and South Korean targets, which they say is inevitable because of the sanctions of United Nations imposed for its third nuclear test in February.

The US-South Korea military exercises last week and the flying of nuclear-capable B2 and B52 bombers over South, further irritated Pyongyang as it started threatening the two countries to wage an attack over them, in which it said “smaller, lighter and diversified weapons” could be used.

According to some diplomatic missions, North Korea on Friday held a high-profile meeting for the foreign embassies and told them that they those who are willing to get their staff out in the wake of looming war, should submit plans to it by April 10.

Britain and Russia have said that they have no immediate plans to evacuate their embassies in Pyongyang.

“We are consulting international partners about these developments,” the British Foreign Office was quoted as saying by the AFP. “No decisions have been taken, and we have no immediate plans to withdraw our embassy.”

Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister said Moscow was “deeply concerned about the rise of tension in the Korean peninsula.

“We want to understand the reasons behind this offer,” he said. “We were interested in finding out whether this was a decision taken by the North Korean leadership to evacuate embassies, or just an offer.”

South Korea’s semi-official Yonhap news agency, on the behalf of military sources, on Friday reported that two missiles North Korea moved East coast its in the “last few days,” have not been loaded into the mobile launchers and are prepared to be fired.

According to U.S and South Korean officials, the missiles moved to the east coast are most probably Musudan missile, which has a 2,500-mile range and could threaten South Korea, Japan and Southeast Asia.

The navy sources of South Korea told Yonhap that they are geared up to cope with the any aggression from North and Aegis destroyers equipped with advanced radar systems have been sent to both of its coasts in this regard.

Responding to the threats of nuclear strike by North Korea, ruled by 30-year old Kim Jong-un, US on Thursday confirmed to deploy a missile defense system to Guam.

Pyongyang, who, describing the nuclear weapons as its “life” announced to restart its ,main nuclear reactor that was shut down five years ago as part of a deal US, China and four other nations earlier this week, termed the joint US-South Korea military drills as ‘provocation,‘ and accused former for pushing the region to the “brink of war.”