Evidence and statements determined that the woman had exited a private drive from the south side of the roadway attempting to travel west. As her Saturn entered onto Fabyan Parkway, it was struck by the garbage truck. The accident is under investigation by the Kane County Accident Reconstruction Team in conjunction with the Geneva Police Department.
“It is unknown at this time if there are any charges forthcoming”, said the Geneva Police Department. The truck accident occurred around 6 a.m. and Fabyan Parkway was closed until around 11 a.m.
Car accidents often result in serious injuries and sometimes death. Investigating an auto accident thoroughly is critical in establishing causes and liability. At The Cagle Law Firm, our attorneys seek out expert accident reconstruction individuals to examine accident reports and witness statements as well as the accident site and all physical evidence. A part of discoverying all factors in an accident assists automobile manufacturers in developing safety features but another focus of investigating an accident is to help all involved understand what really happened to them or their loved one. Knowing the “how” and “why” of an event often helps victims and family members through the process of rebuilding their lives and gaining some resolution.
Inevitably, insurance companies and coverage will be an integral factor following an accident. As the victim of an auto accident, your medical bills and lost wages can increase rapidly in a short time. You want to be sure that you do not “settle” with an insurance company regarding your injuries for at least 30 days. We recommend that you wait 60 days for one reason—-in the first few days after a crash, you do not always know the full extent of your injuries. In many situations, individuals assume that aches and pains will subside after a few days to a week. The biggest mistake you can make is to settle for an amount right after the auto accident. Once you have signed the insurance settlement release, then it doesn’t matter if your pain goes away, nor does it matter if you need subsequent surgery—the insurance company is done and has closed the matter upon your signature, so take your time and be thorough.
Unfortunately, you would not believe how many people I talk to who thought they were okay, just sore in the week following a crash and settled for a meager amount that covered their trip to the Emergency Room, but then noticed that they continued to have back/neck spasms and the pain just became worse. It is our nature to assume that we are “going to be fine”, in fact, it is positive thinking to think so! But in that effort to be positive, you have to be realistic and look out for your own financial future and health. Listen to your body. If pain and stiffness persists, see a specialist. Hopefully, your pain will just be the temporary kind and your body will heal. If so, you do not need an attorney. Visit “5 Car Accident Mistakes to Avoid in Missouri” for helpful suggestions on what NOT to do following a car accident.
If you have been injured in an auto accident or you have lost a loved one in an accident, then you may need an attorney. Each situation is unique and each accident has a different set of facts. Contacting an expert personal injury attorney for information and options is just smart. You have to look out for your own best interests and if you deserve compensation, we can usually help. Our attorneys are available seven days a week, toll free (800) 685-3302 or locally (314) 276-1681
Source: Nagel, R. 23-Year-Old Woman Killed When Garbage Truck Crashes Into Her Car On Fabyan Parkway, Geneva Patch 5/22/13
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