
By Bloggerfather @bloggerfather

Letters to my daughter
We fill our blogs with widgets, and we submit posts to social media, and link to previous posts and announce future posts, and before we know it, we forget it's all about the writing. In the end, though, that's what blogging comes down to. That's where it started, and that's what's still best about it: honest writing and real stories.
Letters to my Daughter, is just that. Each post is a letter to Norman's daughter. There are no pictures, no social media buttons, and no ads--it's blogging, nothing more and nothing less.
And it works. Each post reveals more about the writer and about his family, each post tells a story, and each post makes the reader reflect about his (or her, really) own actions. And yet somehow it doesn't feel contrived.
I've written many times that between Twitter conversations and conventions meet-ups, many blogging dads end up talking among themselves. I wouldn't say there are cliques, because the word has negative connotations and that's not what I mean, but limited time to read means we often read blogs by people we already know. I hope I can get you to expand the circle and include Letter to my Daughter in your reading list.