“The Qur'an (says), they slew him (Jesus) not, nor did they kill him upon the cross.
1. That Jesus did not die on the cross but died a natural death is clear from the Bible itself. The following facts, as narrated in the Gospels which support the Quranic version:-
2. Being a Divine Prophet Jesus could not have died on the cross because according to the Bible "he that is hanged is accursed of God
" (Deut. 21:23).
3. He had prayed to God in great agony to "take away this cup (of death on the cross) from me" (Mark, 14:36; Matt. 26:29; Luke, 22:42); and his prayer was heard (Heb. 5:7).
4. He had predicted that like Jonah who had gone into the belly of the whale alive and had come out of it alive (Matt. 12:40) he would remain in an excavated sepulcher for three days and would come out of it alive.
5. He had also prophesied that he would go to seek out the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel (John, 10:16). Even Jews in Jesus's time believed that the Lost Tribes of Israel had become dispersed in different lands (John, 7:34, 35).
6. Jesus had remained hung on the cross only for about three hours (John, 19: 14) and being a person of normal constitution he could not have died in such a short time.
7. Immediately after he had been taken down from the cross his side was pierced and blood and water flowed out of it which was a certain sign of life (John, 19:34).
8. The Jews themselves were not sure of Jesus's death because they had asked Pilate to have a guard posted at his sepulchre "lest his disciples come by night and steal him away and say unto the people, 'He is risen from the dead" (Matt. 27:64).
9. There is not to be found in all the Gospels a single recorded statement of an eyewitness to the effect that Jesus was dead when he was taken down from the cross or when he was placed in the tomb. Moreover, none of the disciples was present at the scene of Crucifixion, all havingRead more »*This blog is completely unofficial and in no way represents Islam Ahmadiyya or the views of anyone except the author themself.*