Nonfiction November: Reading for Health and Wellness

By Anovelsource @thenovellife

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Final week of Nonfiction November, hosted this week by JulzReads. This week’s prompt is probably my favorite topic ~ what books have you read that make you the expert? Not that I profess to be an expert by any means, but I do enjoy learning. And what better way to learn than by reading lots and lots of books on a subject?!?

Having lived with multiple sclerosis for sixteen years and chronic migraines for over twenty-five years, I’ve given almost every fad wellness plan a go. Whether it’s yoga, acupuncture, paleo diet, Mediterranean diet, reiki, and more plus all the medical procedures that can be done, I’ve experienced. Just call me the human guinea pig!

Through it all, I’ve learned a few things from reading books that have helped: stay away from sugar and processed foods, stretch and walk daily, and eat as many vegetables as possible {you can ask my family – this one is probably the most difficult one for me!}.

Between Slimmer: The New Mediterranean Diet Way to Lose Weight and 100 Days of Real Eating: Fast and Fabulous, I’ve created meal plans that make a tremendous difference in the way I feel. The brain fog is lifted, the pain in my legs and back is greatly reduced and oh my gosh, the migraines are down from 17 a month to less than 10!

When I read Conquer Your Pain in 9 Steps over a year ago I was inspired to actually do the steps. Then I listened to the audio of Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain and committed to a walking and yoga schedule for overall health + brain health.  While I don’t see myself becoming a marathon runner, I am consistently walking and feeling so much better!

I already knew sleep was important when I read Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom and Wonder but reading it validated and gave permission for a sacred sleep schedule.

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business helped me to figure out how best to create a habit for my personality, my needs and my values. I read Gretchen Rubin’s Better than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives on habits but it got so confusing. Listening to her podcast has helped clarify some of the finer points from her book so wanted to at least mention it.

These six books + an honorable mention, have been game-changers for me. Do you have any you can add to the list? Leave me a comment with your favorite health or wellness book!