Non Working People

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

Working Woman By Miss LaToya

To me, having a job doesn’t make a person who they are.

There are people who are employed who are not about anything and who aren’t worth anything, they may have just gotten lucky, or were more fortunate in life than certain others.

Then, there are people who are unemployed who happen to be the most valuable and reasonable people on the planet.

There are many reasons some people don’t have jobs or don’t want to work.

Their grounds are not always on listless, baseless, or negative terms either and they don’t owe anyone any explanations whatsoever.

Unless others have walked in these people’s shoes they shouldn’t be so quick to stomp all over them.

Some people don’t like to constantly be around other people. Some people may see the world within a different light than average or what is usual.

Some people want to be their own boss. Some…

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