Non-existent Date Nights

By Sjay235 @naturalmommainm
Sitting in work in the staff room a few months ago, there was chatter about going to the cinema and how often people go. There were only a few of us there, and I commented that Simon and I never go to the fact we never go out at night.
A colleague gave me a confused look and said "Yeah, but what about the weekends?", to which I replied, "No, we never go out in the evening, just during the day with Isabelle."She asked again "Yeah...but what about at the weekend?" and try as I might, I couldn't seem to make her understand that Simon and I do not go out alone together in the evenings - weekday or weekend.
That made me wonder, are we strange? Is it strange that he and I have no desire to go out and 'spend time together'? Certainly the offer of babysitting is there, and when Isabelle was younger we were told we should get out and have some time together. I see lots of things on Facebook of couples with kids going out when their children are really young, and it always makes me wonder...are we strange for not wanting to do that?
Maybe we are. Maybe it's weird that we don't want any time out together to go for dinner, or drinks or go to the cinema. Maybe it's strange that we want to spend all our evenings in our house while our little lady sleeps upstairs and would have no idea if we are there or not. Maybe it is weird, but it suits us.
Why would we want to have a child only to give up time we can have with her? Why would we want to go out and eat together, instead of sitting and having a family meal with her? I certainly don't judge anyone who does want to do that, but I just don't get it.
Simon and I get plenty of time together in the evening without paying for the privilege somewhere. We can sit in our house, in our jammies, and still have the same conversation we would have sitting opposite one another in a restaurant or in a bar. We spend every single evening together, we certainly aren't lacking in quality time!
To be honest, knowing the many mummies I do, I know Simon and I aren't weird. I know lots of mummies who parent like me, and lots who don't, and it is quite the occasion when somebody says "We are going out together tonight!" It's a certainly pretty rare, as most people seem to be like Simon and I and are more than happy to spend our evenings in the comfort of our own homes, snuggled up in our jammies.
Let's face it, us mummies are lucky to survive some days. Whether we go out to work, or stay at home to work and look after the little people, by the end of every day when we get them into bed most of us just want to sit on the sofa with a cup of tea. Getting dressed up to go out is the last thing on most of our minds, and I am actually in awe of anyone who can be bothered!
So, for now, Simon and I are more than happy to have our dates during the day, complete with our wonderfully crazy toddler. We want to be a family, and it is so important for us that social life is shared with her. Maybe one day we will venture out again together.
Then again, our jammies are extremely comfortable....