Nominate True Blood for 2012 People’s Choice Awards

Posted on the 21 October 2011 by Thevault @The_Vault

OK, Truebies, here’s your chance to get our favorite True Blood vamps, shapeshifters, and Bon Temps humans nominated for the People’s Choice Awards.

Click on the image below to write in your nominations and vote:

The top five vote getter’s in each category will become the official nominees of People’s Choice Awards 2012!

So far,True Blood is only written in as a potential nomination for best  Best TV Cable Drama and Best Sci-Fi Fantasy TV Show. We need to get True Blood more represented. There is a section to allow you to write in your favorites on each of the TV categories, so you can add your favorite actor, actress, and more, etc. from True Blood in those categories.

The top five will become the official nominees of People’s Choice Awards 2012!

Note: Be sure to do this in each of the different categories and you can add write nominees in the “checked” OTHER slot, so be sure to include all the True Blood actors.

Let’s try to get as many True Blood stars nominated as we can! So go on over and write in your favorites!
