Nokia Lumia 710 and 800 Will Wins Internet Sharing Capabilities

Posted on the 24 April 2012 by Hpmurah2u @hpmurah2u

As known, Tango firmware update is now available in NaviFirm for 710 and 800C Lumia. This update is rumored to finally be released more widely and will soon be available in various countries. One of the highlights of this update is the discovery of the ability of tethering or internet connection sharing through Lumia 710 and 800C. It also found the Nokia News, Sportstracker and Creative studio as the standard in device Lumia. This update is not yet officially released but it seems to many countries will soon be rolling. After this update the ranks of Nokia Lumia 710 and 800 will have the same ability with other Windows-based smartphones Phone tethering capabilities that have been obtained before. source regards, hpmurah2u latest info of mobile price and get your own mobile right now