Among the best students and scholars of Sandy Hook have contributed to this collection:
Vivian Lee, Ph.D.; Sterling Harwood, J.D., Ph.D.; Dr. Eowyn, Ph.D.; Nick Kollerstrom, Ph.D.; Dennis Cimino; James F. Tracy, Ph.D.; Kelley Watt Allan William Powell; Jim Fetzer, Ph.D.
It wasn’t a School Massacre. It was a FEMA Drill.
A new volume edited by Jim Fetzer and Mike Palecek
Proof it was a drill was right before our eyes:
* the sign, “Everyone must check in!”
* boxes of bottled water & pizza cartons
* Port-a-Potties present from scratch
* many wearing name tags on lanyards
* parents bringing children to the scene
Proof it wasn’t a massacre was also there:
* no surge of EMTs in to the building
* no Med-Evac helicopter was called
* no string of ambulances to the school
* no evacuation of 469 other students
* no bodies placed on the triage tarps
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