Nobody Can Walk In My Shoes The Way I Have

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

I like the shoes that I walk in. They fit me just fine.  Sure, there are other pairs on display I can try on, but they would eventually get raggedy to wear out as they all come a dime a dozen.

The shoes on my feet are especially made for me. There are no other duplicates for anyone else to see. These shoes stand the test of time, they are worth much more than a cheap dime.

They are waterproof, hole-proof, and heel-proof. The proof is in the damage-proof that proved the resiliency in my walk.

I have come a long way in my shoes.

No matter whatever came to be I always kept moving forward never to slide back. The motor in my body never allowed me to be immobile.

The sole of the fabric tells it all, my foot imprinted.

I made a mark- nobody can walk in my shoes as I have without the scratches, scrapes and shitloads of crap not showing upon the surface.

Hell, my shoes still look brand new!