No, You Did Not Get an Artificially High Score on That IQ Test

Posted on the 26 April 2015 by Calvinthedog

One thing that I hear over and over again from these HBD IQ-fetishist fools is them attacking people’s high IQ scores and saying that they are not valid.

One argument was that a childhood score is no good in adulthood. This is not the case. After age 7, IQ is very stable. Certainly any score you get in your teen years is good for life. Guess what? Your IQ score as a kid was your real IQ! You don’t get dumber as an adult. If anything, you get smarter. So you don’t have to keep taking tests over and over again in adulthood to get your “real” score. Your childhood score is fine. Just keep it, and don’t take any more tests.

Furthermore, there is a sneaky theory going on here – that the childhood IQ score was “artificially high.” That doesn’t make sense, as I will explain below.

Another thing I hear often is that people’s scores are “artificially high.”

“There is no way you could possibly have an IQ that high.”

I hear this over and over. I doubt if a real IQ researcher would ever make such a stupid comment. James Flynn is colleague and acquaintance of mine, and I am sure that he would never be caught dead saying something so idiotic. I have never doubted anyone’s IQ score on this site. All the people claiming high scores showed themselves to be smart as whips in the comments section with their writing.

Let us look most of all at the very idea of “artificially high IQ scores.” No one gets an “artificially high” score as long as both the test taker and test giver are honest and competent. And I will show you why this is true.

Of course you can get an artificially low score on an IQ test or on any test for that matter. How? Just don’t try. It’s quite simple. Or maybe get very depressed or highly anxious, develop a psychotic illness, take a lot of drugs or drink a lot on the day of the test, etc. You get the picture. Anyone can always score below their ability on any test in any field.

But let us consider the ramifications of getting an artificially high score on any honest and competent test. It’s not even possible! Because the very notion of testing “artificially high” means you are scoring above your ability! Which is not even possible. It’s not possible to score above your ability on any honest and competent test about anything.

You can either score below your ability or at your ability. No human being can ever score above their ability without God’s help, and that’s probably not coming.

Think about it: The very concept of “artificially high test scores” by honest and competent testers and givers is idiotic and so is anyone promoting this asinine concept./