No Party: Only Hope for Change

Posted on the 09 December 2013 by Technocowgirl @TechnoCowgirl

Imagine American politics without Democrats or Republicans. Would anarchy break out if the only political Party were the “American Party”? Absolutely not! On the contrary, eliminating the Party system would stitch up a wounded, divided America. For decades, politicians have played a Two-Party game of Chess; we the People their pawns and warhorses. Political Parties are like gangs; in the sense, you’re either on one side or the other. If you trespass against one, you’re beat down by the other.

   No other sport in America displays the brinkmanship politics do. “Poker-face” doesn’t even begin to describe the BS a person must see through to vote informatively. Let’s face it, there’s no such species as an “Informed Voter”. Simply because, we can only be completely informed if Congress tells the complete truth. And, we all know that’s a slim-to-none chance! Congress will only be honest, if held to such standards; or, if consequences are severe enough to detour.

   This country was built on a man’s Word and sweat; it should be run the same way. Back in the day, if you were a shyster, chances were, you weren’t Congressional material –your place in society would be, on a corner selling potions to the ignorant and gullible. Now, the opposite is true. A politician is “expected” to lie –be a bit crooked. “Political Brothers”, will hang one another if it benefits them. We over-look much more today than generations before us. Many of “today’s” politicians would have been shot for tyranny long ago; or, jailed for aiding and abiding the enemy.

   So, how can we stimulate an honesty-to-oath Government? First, end the Party system. This makes a person accountable for their record and deeds –not that of their Party. Additionally, there would be no taking sides –extinguishing the “gang” mentality in politics; leaving voters to concentrate on issues. Second, get rid of the Electoral voting process. Each American vote should count in all elections. Similarly, no Bill or Law should be passed without a majority vote of the People. We’ve gave the Government free-reign far too long! What’s more, we’ve gave them just enough rope to hang us all. It’s time they went back to protecting our Country and Constitution –instead of destroying them!

   Before y’all write me off as a “crazed loon”-demanding I hop on my unicorn and ride away; just listen for a minute. Though what I’ve said can’t change the World’s problems, or bring certain peace among nations -it’s a start to repairing America. By bringing Americans together on issues, instead of dividing by Party, communication and compromise can transpire. When America communicates, the World listens! It is high-time we speak loudly and clearly; the current behavior of our Government will NOT be tolerated! We must scream from the top of our lungs, “We are a People of One –divided by none!”

Make politicians stand-alone –not behind a gang of cohorts!




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