No-Nonsense Advice To Get Lean for Life

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

That late-night advertisement has now either got you wondering whether losing weight is going to be as easy as gulping down that mug of ‘slimming tea’ being advertised or down right hard with over hundred crunches each day. On the other hand, you may have received advice from another health guru who says that your stomach can be tightened in just a few minutes every day, with some silly looking exercises, while another health expert commands you to keep running until you throw up. Although losing weight might not be as easy as 123, it is also not torture. Conforming to a diet can sometimes be a miserable task and even more so hapless if you happen to slip somewhere down the line and lose the resolve of sticking to the diet. Instead of jumping on the next diet bandwagon, it is much better to make a lifestyle change so that the changes you make stick with you for the rest of your life.

Disclosure: This post is for informational purposes only. If you need additional help, please check with your family doctor to rule out any medical conditions or dietary needs.

Here is some practical advice that can help you stay fit for life; although not easy but definitely simple; could be challenging but certainly not excruciating.

How to Eat

One of the biggest controversies and raging debates of all time in the diet world is the calorie debate. There is no doubt about it that fewer the calories consumed than the amount that being burnt, greater the weight loss, even if the calories might becoming from low nutrition food such as sweets or candies. And it does not require a Ph.D. in nutrition to see the flaw in this theory. Food items that offer extremely low nutritional value do not support a healthy body composition, and hence even if you are able to cut yourself down to size in spite of consuming chocolate cakes and ice cream, it will result in loss of muscle and a build-up of flab. Although it is helpful to be aware of the intake of calories, what should be of greater significance is the choice of foods that are being consumed. Concentrate your diet on consuming unprocessed and natural foods while your shopping list should include fresh produce such as vegetables and fruits, lean cuts of meat and seafood, complex and natural starch such as whole grains, sweet potatoes and wild rice. Until further notice, completely cut out baked food items such as bread, alcohol, desserts, pasta, caffeinated and aerated drinks.

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