NO NaNoWriMo? Join Me for #FiMyNoMo

By Writerinterrupted @writerinterrupt

What’s #FiMyNoMo? I’m glad you asked. It’s my alternative to NaNoWriMo aka National Novel Writing Month which takes place in November.

I’m not ashamed to admit I’ve NEVER won the coveted NaNoWriMo badge or completed a book in a month, but I’m okay with that. And I’m in the middle of a novel, so instead of writing 50,000 words in November (my birthday month, btw,) I’m going to finish my novel and I want YOU to join me.

Check out this page for more details and how you can participate! And check out my Writers Podcast and “10 Minute Teachings” on for some great tips to keep your planning your novel in October so you an #FiMyNoMo in November!

Here’s a casual conversation about #FiYoNoMo and writing. Follow me on Blab so you don’t miss a conversation.

NaNoWriMo? Join #FiMyNoMo NaNoWriMo? Join #FiMyNoMo NaNoWriMo? Join #FiMyNoMo NaNoWriMo? Join #FiMyNoMo