No More Smelly Adolescent Feet with Inkblaat Insoles!

By Parentingauthor @ParentingAuthor
I have two teenage sons who are in the throes of puberty. One of the unpleasant side effects of this phenomenon is body odor, especially smelly feet! We've literally had to make our boys leave their shoes in the garage because they smell so bad. Fortunately, I recently heard about Inkblaat Insoles! Here's what I read about them: "Inkblaat Insoles provide long-lasting foot and shoe odor control with or without socks. Inkblaat utilizes industry-leading Aegis Microbe Shield technology, which kills the bacteria that causes odor and protects the inside of your shoes from fungus, mold and daily grime. Go sockless with confidence." Needless to say, I was extremely eager to try this product. And, I'm thrilled to say, the insoles have been doing a great job! The boys' shoes are still in the house, and we've had no problems with smell since using the Inkblaat Insoles. What a relief!
There are plenty of other great things to like about Inkblaat Insoles, too. First, they're really comfortable. I could feel the cushioning as soon as I opened the package, and my boys got used to wearing them in their shoes immediately. There was no breaking them in or strangeness to the feel. In fact, the kids wouldn't have even noticed they were in their shoes if they hadn't noticed the cool patterns, which leads me to another great feature of Inkblaat Insoles...
They come in a great variety of fun patterns that are ideally suited for adolescents (and adults)! There are currently 20 patterns to choose from. Check out a few of the fun designs:

My boys loved all the fun designs, but there are plenty of features for me to love, too (besides the fact that their feet and shoes no longer stink!). For one, it was super-easy to trim the insoles so they fit my boys' shoes perfectly. My guys currently wear a size 9, so I ordered the Medium M 8-10 size. On the underside of the insoles are two curved lines indicating where to cut to trim the insole down to a size 9 or 8. Using a regular pair of scissors, it took me just seconds to trim them to the size 9 length. Inserting them into the shoe was easy, and they fit perfectly! Fortunately, the insoles are only $16.99 per pair -- or less if you take advantage of one of their specials -- so it won't cost me a fortune if my growing teenagers suddenly have a growth spurt, and I need to replace the insoles.
Another feature I love is that the insoles are machine washable. I haven't tried this feature yet, but Inkblaat says their insoles will retain their cushioning and odor prevention even after multiple wash and dry cycles. And there's even a 30-day money back guarantee!
If anyone in your family suffers from stinky feet or shoes (it's not just a teenage thing!), I suggest that you head over to Inkblaat and pick up some insoles. Your family's noses will thank you!
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I received Inkblaat Insoles for free from Inkblaat in consideration for a gear review. All opinions are 100% my own.