No Monday Funny, Instead, a Monday Mumble

By Davidduff

Well, I only produce my Monday Funnies to cheer up all you wage-slaves as you start the week but today being a Bank Holiday, and a sunny one as well, you are all, no doubt, lazing about in your gardens watching the weeds grow!  Anyway, I will leave you a Tuesday Funny later tonight because I have an early start for 'Londinium' again tomorrow, so no posts on Tuesday.  Anyway, today, as I keep taking shelter indoors from this unbelievably fierce sun, I will leave you the occasional mumble.


Euro founder calls for break-up:  Not so much a case of chickens coming home to roost as 14-year old dead turkeys hitting the floor to rot!  Courtesy of Ambrose E-P in The Telegraph, allow me to remind you of a long-lost name - Oscar Lafontaine - remember him?  He was yet another in a long line of swivel-eyed Germans with a fanatical idea - a common currency for a United States of Europe:

Mr Lafontaine was labelled "Europe's Most Dangerous Man" by The Sun after he called for a "united Europe" and the "end of the nation state" in 1998. The euro was launched on January 1 1999, with bank notes following three years later. He later left the Social Democrats to found the Left Party.

Ah, but that was yesterday, or to be precise, back in 1999.  Today, that nasty old real-politik has stuck its oar in and poor old Oscar has had to face reality:

Mr Lafontaine said he backed EMU but no longer believes it is sustainable.  "Hopes that the creation of the euro would force rational economic behavior on all sides were in vain," he said, adding that the policy of forcing Spain, Portugal, and Greece to carry out internal devaluations was a "catastrophe".

He foresees a resurgence of extreme anti-German sentiment across southern Europe including France.  Whodathunkit?  Well, lots of people, actually, but no-one listened.