No-info Californians Endorse Karl Marx for President 2016

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Mark Dice strikes again.

He’s in San Diego asking people to sign a petition to get Karl Marx on the ballot for President in 2016 because Obama has endorsed Marx and it’s important to continue Obama’s communist agenda.

Lest you think this video is a misrepresentation of the average intelligence of Obama supporters and other no-information Americans, here are some of Dice’s other man-in-the-street interviews and petitions:

  • More than 5 years after Obama became president, there are Americans who don’t know he’s a Democrat.
  • Obamacare supporters signing a petition to add birth control drugs to the water supply.
  • Students at the University of California accepting “abortion in a can” fruit juice drinks.
  • Endorsing 19th century communist ideologue Karl Marx as the next President of the United States.
  • Signing a petition to repeal the 4th amendment to the Constitution.
  • Supporting a move to end the right to remain silent by repealing the 5th amendment.
  • Signing a petition to support post-birth abortion up to age 3 and making infanticide a part of Obamacare.
  • Signing a petition to support making euthanasia of senior citizens a mandatory part of Obamacare.
  • Supporting a move to release all illegal aliens from prison no matter what crime they have committed and then give them free US citizenship.
  • Signing a petition to grant Obama immunity from all crimes he’s committed while in office.

See also:

  • More evidence that Americans are scary stupid
  • More evidence that Americans are stupid
  • Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people
  • Proof that the problem with America is STUPIDITY
