No Good Domain Blogs? I Predicted It Back in 2011

Posted on the 09 January 2017 by Worldwide @thedomains

Today posted a blog about the “The State of Domaining Blogs in 2017 ” and concluded with a “there is no  good answer”

However we predicted this would happen in 2011:

“Blogging is a tough deal.

Since I started blogging, Frank Schilling stopped, Sahar stopped and most recently Rick Schwartz announced he was basically calling it a day. also stopped blogging this year.

Its the domain industries loss.

Its your loss.

When I started in the industry there wasn’t one blog.

There wasn’t anyone telling you how they found success much less giving that information away for free.

For a while you had some of the smartest domainers whoever lived giving you information and advice for free that in most industries people pay big money to hear.”

Now there gone.

Their voices have been extinguished and you guys are in good place to blame.

You are not better off for it.

Some of the pull back is because of the inordinate amount of time it takes to write a blog, moderate comments answer comments, deal with spam and other game playing

So on this our 3rd anniversary I would ask readers of all domain blogs to appreciate the resources that have been made available to you.

Because one day, in the blink of an eye, they can be gone.””

So the eye bilked, and we are all gone.

Frank is on to his next ventures.

Rick is living his life, retired and frustrated with people who insulted him every inch of the way telling him he knew shit as he made tens of millions of dollars.

As for myself, I sold the bulk of my portfolio and moved on in the tens of millions of dollars.

After thousands of negative comments I have little interest in telling you how you could  have done the same

But you could have.

In all cases those who blogged mostly did it for free without any upside

We shared what we knew or believed to be true

You could take the ride or not

Actually if anything we overshared.

I don’t see many industries that have tried to teach their

We did our best.

Gave our best advice and people choice to accept it or ignore it.

Like everything else some times people are right but many times we were wrong,

But over the 20 or so year we were right more than we were wrong and that is why we were able to call it a day while we were still pretty young.

So like I said in 2011 silencing voices would not serve you well, and it has not over the years.

Like the comment I tried to publish today on  (2x) which did not get published, all I can tell you its a hard business.

There is no one answer.

You find you’re spot, the place you can make money and live it, be it; stay with it.

At one time many tried to teach you how to make the best the business

Some succeeded

Many failed

Like any other business

However it was a period of time quite usual where competitors told you how you can make money.

It may not happen again in your lifetime

Although those that had success and tried to show you the way; we still wish you the best

For those that tried to teach the masses to make money it’s a sad day