First, try not to gasp when you see the total price at the checkout. Second, breathe deeply upon hearing the cost and take them home with careful consideration for you just purchased treasure.
The first thing I do with these sweet little gems upon arriving home is rinse them in a colander. I leave them in the sink to drip dry and feel giddy each time I walk by and see beads of water laughing on their skin. And is their color not one of the richest, most beautiful hues ever?
After they've dried a bit I transfer them to a bowl and place them in the refrigerator. I eat one (or two). In my home there is only one way I serve fresh cherries. Ice cold. I do not fold them into buttery, flaky tart dough. I do not bathe them in anything creamy. Simply, I like them plain and sunkissed and cold.
When the time comes, I bring the bowl full out to the front porch. My pirate family quickly shows up ready to devour the loot. As simple as my preparation is my method of eating them. Outside on the porch is a must with absolutely no fuss.
Tossing your best manners to the side, spit the seeds, throw the stems, lick the juice from the sides of your mouth; life's sweet sweet nectar. And laugh, tell a story, hum a tune, tap your foot, kiss a beloved on their cheek.
By now you will realize that it was tolerable to pay a small fortune for one of life's sweetest treasures.