NO BAKE Chocolate Granola Bar

By Hemapriya Natesan @MyLittleMoppet

October 3, 2020 Leave a Comment

Need a No-Bake recipe? Check out our Chocolate Granola Bar recipe, loaded with the goodness of oats, dates and nuts. The perfect healthy snack for kids!

With kids stuck at home and doing learning online, parents have noticed that they’re more stressed than ever. They don’t even have the option of venting by playing outside or being with friends, as the pandemic has turned all our lives upside down. Maybe it’s to deal with the boredom or maybe all the stress is making them hungry, but you can see that they’re always wanting snacks!

Kids need frequent doses of energy, and fulfilling that with store bought snacks loaded with preservatives can have adverse effects. Instead, try making this delicious contest-winning chocolate granola bar recipe. It’s got oats, dates and nuts, all ingredients packed with loads of nutrients. The best part – it’s no bake!

No Bake Chocolate Granola Bar


  • Rolled Oats –  1 cup
  • Jaggery – 3/4 cup
  • Dates – 7-8
  • Cashews – 1/4 Cup
  • Cocoa powder – 4-5 tbsp.
  • Chopped nuts of choice or nuts powder

Wondering how to get this  Organic Oatmeal ? Don’t worry, we’ll send it straight to your doorstep.

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1. Soak dates and cashew for half an hour.

2. In a blender add the soaked cashew and dates, blend until creamy.

3. Line a pan of desired size with a parchment paper.

4. Slightly roast oats and chopped nuts in a pan and keep it aside.

5. Heat up the Jaggery with a little water in saucepan until it bubbles.

6. Simmer and add in the prepared dates -cashew paste, stir until homogeneous.

7. Transfer the mixture into oats and mix well.

8. Add cocoa powder and mix well.

9. Transfer the content to tray lined with parchment paper and level it.

10. Let it cool at room temperature or refrigerate for 1-2 hours.

11. No bake chocolate granola bar can be sliced and served.

This recipe satisfies your child’s sweet tooth and at the same time, it is incredibly nourishing. In fact, this is a much better substitute for regular dessert for the whole family! These bars are rich in fiber and protein as well as essential minerals like iron, potassium, calcium as well as healthy fats. With so much goodness, this is must try recipe this season!

NO BAKE Chocolate Granola Bar   Save Print Here is a super duper recipe which can treat your toddler’s sweet tooth and at the same time, provide loads of nutrients. Our contest winning recipe “NO BAKE Chocolate Granola Bar” is loaded with the goodness of oats, dates and nuts. It’s a simple but a yummy treat for your kids. Author: Hemapriya Recipe type: Dessert Cuisine: Indian INGREDIENTS
  • Rolled Oats - 1 cup
  • Jaggery - ¾ cup
  • Dates - 7-8
  • Cashews - ¼ Cup
  • Cocoa powder - 4-5 tbsp
  • Chopped nuts of choice
  1. Soak dates and cashew for half an hour.
  2. In a blender add the soaked cashew and dates, blend until creamy.
  3. Line a pan of desired size with a parchment paper.
  4. Slightly roast oats and chopped nuts in a pan and keep it aside.
  5. Heat up the Jaggery with a little water in saucepan until it bubbles.
  6. Simmer and add in the prepared dates -cashew paste, stir until homogeneous.
  7. Transfer the mixture into oats and mix well.
  8. Add cocoa powder and mix well.
  9. Transfer the content to tray lined with parchment paper and level it.
  10. Let it cool at room temperature or refrigerate for 1-2 hours.
  11. No bake chocolate granola bar can be sliced and served.
3.5.3251 Wondering how to get this  Organic Jaggery ? Don’t worry, we’ll send it straight to your doorstep.

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Filed Under: cookies cakes dessert for kids, Dessert, Oats Recipes, Toddler Food Recipes, Toddler Recipe Tagged With: Dates dessert, easy dessert recipe, Easy nutritious snack recipe for children, Healthy chocolate recipe, healthy dessert recipe, healthy snack recipe, healthy snack recipe for toddlers, NO BAKE Chocolate Granola Bar, No bake dessert