No. 19 Music Set to Release a 5-year Anniversary Compilation

Posted on the 06 March 2014 by Dancefloormayhem @dancefloormayhm

No. 19 is a label based out of Toronto. For five years they have been releasing quality release after quality release. Producers that have production and/or remix work on the label include: Art Department, James Teej, Kenny Glasgow, DJ T, Jimmy Edgar, Clayton Steele, Eric Volta, Kate Simko, Maceo Plex, Agoria, My Favorite Robot and a whole lot more.

Tracklist for the album:

01.Art Department & BLUD - Who is Jake Holmes
02.Art Department - Insomniac (Eric Volta's Haven't slept inYears Mix)
03.Jonny White - Rainsong (Mood Edit's unreleased 2008 Tracking Dub)
04. Louie Fresco - Dez
05.Nitin – Carbon Bar
06.Aquarius Heaven ft dOP - Nasty Boys
07.Oskar Offermann - Test of Time
08.Maher Daniel - Emotional Content
09.Jakkin Rabbit - Moving
10.Clayton Steele - Window Pain
11.Lauren Lane - Was In Luv feat. Jaw
12.John Lee - Dire Agent
13.Jade - Second Guess

The album is slated for a March 31st release date.

Here is a free song the label put out recently - "Who's Who - Hypnodance (Jonny Whites Space Echo edit)" - it's a nice combination of deep house and disco vibes. Stream and download:

Click Here to buy No. 19 music from Beatport

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