Ninjago Party Feature

Posted on the 07 March 2012 by Vixenmade @vixenMade

This past weekend we went to a crazy fun party!  
It was my little nephew's 5th birthday party.  And he was celebrating it with a 'Ninjago' theme.  So cute!  Ever heard of Ninjago?  I hadn't before this (obviously, I'm out of the loop when it comes to popular 'big kid' boy toys).

Anyway, my sister from Candy & Cake did the party planning (also mom to this lucky boy).  She always has awesome parties with creative ideas and gorgeous dessert tables.  

I took some shots of the party and wanted to share with you all!

I love the bright red backdrop!  Perfect for a energetic boy!

She made the cake, of course.  Don't you love the little Lego ninja?

Can't go wrong with a chocolate covered oreo.  She made these, too.  The circle print fits perfectly with the theme.

Chocolate dipped fortune cookies.  Yum!

Another specialty of hers.. the sugar cookie!  Aren't they cool?

Candy 'sushi'!  I love it!

Lego man marshmallow pops.  How perfect!

These cupcakes were incredible!!  Blueberry cupcakes.

She created some samurai swords for a game for the kids.

Love those labels!!

And some chinese takeout boxes for goody bags!  So creative.

I just loved how colorful and bright the party was.  And I think the little birthday boy was very happy!
Such a great job!!
Check out Candy & Cake for more party ideas!

Remember to come back tomorrow for the results of my giveaway!
I link up here!