Nine Winter Staycation Ideas

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

We are a big fan of Staycations. With back-to-back travels for months, a staycation is a perfect way to unwind. Especially in these frigid temptations. Besides you end up saving on costs to travel plus time. Staycations give you a chance to learn about your neighborhood or about yourself and your partner. Which ever route you choose, you would be surprised at how many options you have out there.

  1. Explore your local state or national parks.
  2. Visit your local library and rest out a few books.
  3. Visit local museums.
  4. Time to catch up on movie you missed over the year.
  5. Host a brunch for friends and family.
  6. Try a new restaurant.
  7. Head to the local zoo.
  8. Bring out the board games.
  9. Create your own art - Painting? Sketching? Coloring?

Below is an alternate way of doing a staycation, where you do not love a finger and indulge in being a weekend bum. Think bathrobes, room service, and Netflix!

Staycations are most definitely more relaxing than traveling. There is on planning, researching, packing, airports crowds, etc. Staycations can be done on a budget and can be as fun as traveling. Win-Win!

Blogger, Stylist, Storyteller, Fitness Enthusiast, Experimental Cook. If you have questions in any of the mentioned areas or have feedback, feel free to contact me at