Nightline Visits Salty

By Saltykisses @svprili

We were contacted quite a while ago by ABC’s Nightline to see if they could fly in and do a piece on our family. I was very hesitant at the start and of course Carl talked me into it. I was so scared that they would be very critical of us, our boat and how we raise our kids. But the more we spoke with them the more I realized that they were after a story that was more about the positive aspects of raising kids on a boat, so that was ok with me. We were still a little nervous trusting them when editing the footage and knowing it would air without us seeing the final product. There were many times that we didn’t even realize they were filming us.

Ben and Reena were onboard for 2 days, including a sleepover – brave, brave people! Big thanks to them for producing this small snip it on our life that we can keep forever.

ABC News | ABC Sports News

I hope the Kaufmans and the rest of the live aboard community sees that we did this in support of them not to be TV superstars. It’s a chance in a lifetime to have the experience of a news crew onboard and to be able to keep this footage to share with all our family and friends. It was a fun and exciting time.