Nigga World

Posted on the 17 September 2016 by Calvinthedog

I am not going to call Black people niggers here because I do not say such things on this site. That’s a pretty disreputable thing to say about a whole race of humans. But I will call Black people niggas. It’s self-evident that Blacks are niggas. Hell, they ever admit it!

Funny thing that those are not only niggas in the world. Niggas are so cool that many races of the world are racing to achieve a state of High Niggerdom.

Let’s look at some nigga types. I will list the type, and you tell me what race or ethnic group they are or where they are from. These are all actual names I have heard people, often racists, calling people. Terrible! People are mean!

  • Wiggers – Most people know this one. You gotta admit that a true blue pure wigger is a pretty pathetic specimen. You take one look at one of them and you think, “Well, there goes the human race!”
  • Mexiniggers – I laughed the first time I said that, but don’t let it get around that I did that ok? Because they might mug me when I walk to the store. Self-evident. I would not say that around them. They get mad if you do.
  • Miggers – Seldom used, but a few bloggers use it.
  • Spiggers – Almost never used. Come on people! Let’s start using this insult. Take a look here. There’s a great insult sitting here just waiting for people to use it. What a waste of a perfectly good insult!
  • Chiggers – No, it’s not a biting insect!
  • Sea Niggers – This one is funny.
  • Sand niggers – Well, you know who those are. Good Lord do they hate being called that. They look like they are going to hit you if you call them that. The Alt Reich calls Roosh one, but that’s not fair, as he’s a Persianigger or whatever they call those types.
  • Curryniggers – This one should be self-evident. Some of them even call themselves that! Well, they might as well reclaim an insult. The gay queers did just that.
  • Prairie Niggers – That one is funny too.
  • Pallieniggers – This one is sort of funny too. Self evident. A favorite among a (((certain type of people))), ahem.
  • Lucys – Hey! That’s not nice! Comparing modern humans to a 3 million year old apewoman? Come on now, that’s so rude! Ok these are not niggas specifically but this is an ancient race that hasn’t progressed a whole lot. That’s actually sort of a funny word too.

Good God that’s a lot of niggas. It’s like the whole human race is nothing but a bunch of niggers!

Oh well, if you can’t beat em, join em. I’m a bit of a wigger myself actually.