Nicki Minaj Talks Beyoncé , Empire, & More In The Latest Billboard Magazine

Posted on the 09 November 2014 by Mikeylately @MikeyLately

Nicki Minaj covers the latest issue of Billboard Magazine. She discussed building her empire, Beyoncé, and more. Read highlights and see more photos below.

On being a boss: “I’m on 15 to 25 conference calls every few days strategizing with my team. I think a lot of artists sit back and have it done for them. Sometimes as women in the industry—if you’re sexy or like doing sexy things—some people subconsciously negate your brain. They think you’re stupid.”

On staying relevant: “It’s corny when rappers feel like they’ve made it and they don’t have to prove themselves anymore. You should always be competing. You should always be trying to show that you’re the best. My album is going to be important to hip-hop.”

On what she learned from her mother: “My mother always had this attitude that she didn’t take no for an answer. So I guess that carried on to me.”

On “American Idol”: “Thank God I did that show. At least I was able to show my true self, speak and have a mind.”

On “Anaconda”: “Everything we see that’s labeled as beautiful is very skinny. In the song I kind of say, ‘F**k them skinny girls.’ But it’s all love. I consider myself a skinny girl. I went overboard with the video to show that I’m not going to hide. And those big-booty dancers I have, they’re not going to hide. Black girls should feel sexy, powerful, and important too.”

On Beyoncé: “There’s something about her work ethic that always made me feel like no matter how hard stuff gets, I’m not allowed to complain. Some women give me the feeling that where there’s a will, there’s a way.”