If you really knew me, you'd know...
- That I have the worst road rage on the planet. I realize that this is a very extreme statement, but y'all I'm not kidding. I make sure never to flick anyone off, but you'll definitely catch me screaming & cursing at the top of my lungs if people are driving too slow or not paying attention to what's going on around them. I mentioned this in my first "if you really knew me" post, but I said I was working on it. Just wanted y'all to know that not much has changed ;)
- That my career ambitions change with the wind. I'm always coming up with new business ideas and thinking of what certification I'm going to get next. Maybe one day I'll actually put my ideas into action. For now, I'll continue studying for my certified personal training certificate and see where that takes me.
- That wine makes my world go round. Just kidding. Jesus does that. But I do love a glass (or two) of my favorite wine. Which is currently Be Flirty, a pink moscato.
- That when someone tells me to pose for a picture, 7/10 times I'm the girl that throws up the peace sign. Obnoxious, I know.
- That I consider myself an awful cook. I guess it's because I don't have much experience in the kitchen. And because I live alone so I have no reason to prepare exquisite meals on the reg. But Adam & I are planning on getting some use out of my kitchen...we have 3 dinners planned for this week...watch out y'all.
- That I love being outside. Whether I'm playing a sport, catching some rays or having a picnic, I love breathing in the fresh air.
- That I hate pants. Jeans specifically. It's so hard for me to find a pair that fits. But more importantly, I'd rather be wearing shorts, a dress or my fave...yoga pants. Elastic waist band, come to mama.
- That I am guilty of using short versions of words. Cray = crazy. Presh = precious. Adorbs = adorable. Fave = favorite. You get the idea. I think it's annoying, too. But I can't stop.
- That sometimes when I'm in public and don't feel like talking to people, I wear my sunglasses inside and pretend that I'm talking on the phone. Yes, pretend...because I actually hate talking on the phone. Texting is where it's at.
- That most people say that I come off as "crafty" but that is absolutely wrong. DIYs make me kind of crazy. I'd much rather buy something that's already beautifully made. Thank the good Lord for Etsy, right? Oh and Target, obvi.
- That I refuse to leave the house without wearing earrings. If I forget to put them on, I will go back home to get them. I should probably just leave an extra pair in my car to make my life easier. Naaaah.
- I am late 90% of the time. Okay fine, 95%. I run on Jessica time. It's pretty great. I think everyone should give it a try.
Since I know you just couldn't get enough of me throughout this post, be sure to check out the first one I did.